DogsHealthHealthy Treats & Snacks for Dogs

Did you know some fruits and vegetables can offer a healthy snack for your dog? Just like for us humans, they provide a range of health benefits and can be a great alternative for treats. Keep reading to find out which ones to add to your shopping list!

Funny Jack Russell Terrier dog with banana peel on its head looking at camera on a blue background

Why are fruits and vegetables good for dogs?

Many fruits and vegetables make wonderful treats for dogs. Obviously, they are nutrient-dense foods which makes them great for health. They’re also often super convenient, because many are staples you probably keep handy in your household anyway. And unlike many dog biscuits or similar treats, they’re low in calories. This helps to relieve the challenge that many dog owners face in striking a balance between treating our doggies and managing a healthy weight for long term health overall.

So what are some simple, natural dog treats to incorporate into your routine?

Check out some of our favourites below:

  • Apples: great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and antioxidants.
  • Green Peas: packed with minerals, rich in protein and high in fiber.
  • Carrots: a perfect low-calorie snack full with fiber and beta-carotene, which produces vitamin A.
  • Green Beans: overflowing with healthy vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B6, C, protein, calcium and iron.
  • Watermelon: loaded with potassium, vitamin C, A and B6, and a great snack for hot, summer days!
  • Cooked Sweet Potato: potatoes provide a good source of fiber to aid digestion and regular portions can reduce the risk of heart diseases and certain cancers.
  • Pumpkin: a good source of fiber and improves digestion. It can also help reduce anal gland problems.
  • Cucumber: another great summery snack when placed in the fridge beforehand and good for hydration.
  • Bananas: high in potassium, fiber, vitamins and copper.
  • Broccoli: high in fiber and vitamin C which is good for heart health and our dogs’ immune system.
  • Strawberries: full of fiber and vitamin C and popular among canines because of their juicy taste.
  • Blueberries: a great little snack for your pooch as it is high in vitamin C and fiber.

Dog eating apple as a healthy snack

Always remember…
  • When trying out new treats for your dog, it’s always best to start with small portions, and see how your dog’s GI tract responds.
  • Practicing good portion control is vital, too. Even too much of a fruit or vegetable can contribute to weight gain, so mastering portion control is essential.
  • Not every dog will take to every item on this list too, so feel free to experiment with tastes and textures to find out what your dog likes!
  • There are also some fruits and vegetables that are poisonous for dogs, including avocados and grapes. Always doublecheck what fits in a healthy diet for your dog before giving them a snack.

What’s your dog’s favourite snack to eat?

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